Coach Jafni
Jafni committed an impressive 14 years to Rhythmic Gymnastics as an athlete, representing St Margaret's Pri & Sec in countless competitions. She also led the team as a Captain and placed 2nd in the group event during the 2012 National School Games, amidst many other notable achievements. Thereafter, she continued to pursue the sport and even achieved 1st placing at Singapore Open in the open age category. Jafni also joined the National Team in 2010 and DGA is lucky to have her on the team to share her experiences.
Jafni aspires to be a coach who uplifts the morale and confidence of aspiring gymnasts. Watching them return to training with improvements from the pointers she has provided makes her feel very accomplished. She is proud of their achievements on and off the mats, and hopes to impact her gymnasts holistically. Jafni is inspired by her coach who goes above and beyond to care for each gymnast, and she hopes to be that comforting figure that her gymnasts can confide in because she is moved by the gesture of her coach till day..